@i3.net provides secure email you can trust, designed from the ground up to provide privacy and security. Your Email is end to end encrypted and uncensored. @i3.net meets the highest standards set for Email security, with all the features you would expect.
Based on proven open-source technologies
NIST and HIPAA Compliant
Email is sent and stored securely
Modern intuitive web client
Responsive support We’ve been around since 1995
Stay secure and productive. We keep junk and malware out
We value your privacy. No Metadata is collected or sold
Our Webmail Client is a proven open source client used by millions of users world wide, it supports over 80 languages. Use our email client to access all your email accounts in one place from any device.
Your phone knows who you are and every time you use a phone app you share that information. We don’t ask for your phone number at signup, we don’t ask for any personal information. Our web app is private and secure, share a shortcut on your homepage and it’s convenient.
Main Features
- Drag-&-drop message management.
- Full support for MIME and HTML messages
- Multiple sender identities
- Full featured address book with groups
- Threaded message listing
- Spell checking
- Canned response templates
- IMAP-compatible folder management
- Import/export functions
- Sophisticated privacy protection
- Brute-force login attack prevention
- XSS attack protection
- Support for PGP encryption
User Interface
- Select from over 80 languages
- Three column view
- Responsive skin (multi-device support)
- Attachment previews
- Find-as-you-type address book integration
- Searching messages and contacts
- Calendar
Pay annually at US$ 29.95. pay with PayPal or pay with Crypto your choice.
Private Secure Email 2022